Saturday, October 30, 2010

Crafty Books

Ok, getting away from my List of Things a bit here but this is exciting. Not really. But cool enough. Craft books! These were hanging out at the library book sale last weekend:

For $2 a piece I figured they were nice just to have around. They're both from the '70s and in really good shape.

I've had a few weird, video-game based toy ideas floating in my brain for a while, and I figure I could adapt some of the animals here once I get the construction basics down. I'm especially in love with these guys:

The March Hare from Alice in Wonderland- which I'd probably make look slightly less crazy.

Not sure I'm really digging raccoons but I love that it's tweed. There are cute elephants and a squirrel I have my eye on. Just need to buy some polyfill.

As for the needlepoint book- my sister has been doing embroidery for a bit and I'm loving her results. So first I'll probably see if she wants it- if not, I'm planning on learning and would love to try some of the designs. Some are fairly epic.

And some are just ridiculous.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hodgman Tie

Yes, this is a tie made out of corduroy. It's been percolating in my brain since I started making ties a few months ago, but never really had a deadline that forced me to make it. That is, until I saw this. Hodgman is awesome. And apparently he's in possession of a fully functioning three-piece corduroy suit!

I tweeted about it. He replied! So yes, this tie had to be made.

Per usual I waited until the last possible day (well, weekend day) to make it. This was also after I'd locked myself out of my apartment and had to walk three miles in flip flops to meet D at work and get his keys, so I wasn't really feeling any kind of precision. Much of it was just pinned enough so I could hand sew it. There was no interfacing on the corduroy- mostly as I wasn't sure fusible would stick without high heat. I'm a little worried it'll warp (right word? Not sure) out of shape with wearing, but at least it's done.

A little closeup of the corduroy- the red was so vibrant it must've destroyed my camera's brain.

Closeup of the lining- some spare knit I had lying around, interfaced to make sure it didn't stretch. What's the design? Clocks. Was a little upset they didn't end up being obviously seen, but it adds a little air of mystery to tie. Right?

And how was Hodgman's taping? I have no idea. My foolproof plan to email-in sick backfired when my supervisor beat me to the punch with what I assume was an actual illness. Oh well. At least the tie looks cool.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention- made the tie using this wonderful tutorial from Purl Soho's blog.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

PJ Shorts

I'd been dying to make PJs since I found some cheap Bart Simpson flannel for $1.50/yd at Joann's a while back. All the tutorials I'd seen had you using a pair that fit you well. Only problem...don't really have a pair like that haha. So I was super excited when I saw  this tutortial by Liesl Made. Really simple and amazing.

I probably should've started with my cheap flannel, but I'd come across a clearance body pillow cover at Target a while back and just had to do something with it. Best fabric ever. I basically followed Liesl's tutorial, though I added a bit on the edges to make them a bit bigger. It was my first attempt at french seams and they are just amazing. So neat and professional looking.

They still ended up a bit tight, but they're still super comfy and wearable. Favorite part? I kept the tag from the original body pillow cover to use in the shorts. Win:

On the second attempt (made while wearing the first attempt...also finally using that Bart Simpson fabric) I added even more...and they ended up a little big haha. Again, wearable and awesome, but I'm not 100% satisfied. I'm going in the middle of those two attempts next time in the hopes of getting it just right.

Boots, as always, being helpful haha. She also kept stealing my chair whenever I got up to iron.

Next I'm planning on making some long pjs with these lovely fabrics:

And for the record, yes, I did buy that owl fabric because it was the most ridiculous flannel I could find. Also it reminded me of these lovely headbands that I would buy in a heartbeat if I could figure out how to wear one successfully.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I have lots of posts stuck in edit, just waiting for pictures to be taken. So once I find my camera battery charger, there will be things. Hooray, things!

On the docket:
  • Men's dress shirt to skirt
  • Pants to skirt
  • Two (probably more by the time I get around to posting) pj shorts made using this lovely tutorial by Liesl Made
  • Corduroy Tie
Hope everyone is enjoying their Columbus Day. I don't get this holiday off, though the maintenance staff for the building does. Always struck me as a bit odd, but whatever.

*UPDATE: Oh! I also won a giveaway that I must post about. That will also require me finding the thing that it is that a won. It's a little lost amongst the apartment clutter.